To`liq ma`lumot


  • Ўзбек

    MaqoladaFarg‘ona viloyati sharoitida Ocneria dispar turining fe’l-atvor xususiyatlari bayon etilgan.Tengsiz ipakchi turining ozuqa o‘simligi hamda rivojlanish bosqichlari, xususan, g‘umbakka aylanishi, tuxum qo‘yishi uchun turlicha ekologik tokchalarni tanlashi uning muhitga moslanishning asosiy ko‘rinishidir.Tengsiz ipakchi turi populyatsiya kengligida individual xususiyatga ega bo‘lib, o‘z-o‘zining hayotini ta’minlashga qaratilgan biologik jarayondir.

    Kalit so'z: #tuxum #tengsiz ipakchi #fe’l-atvor #ozuqa o‘simligi #rivojlanish bosqichlari #g‘umbak

  • Русский

    В статье описана этологическая характеристика Ocneria dispar в Ферганской области. Выбор различных экологических ниш для кормовых растений и стадий развития непарного шелкопряда, особенно для коконизации и откладывания яиц, является основным проявлением его адаптации к окружающей среде. Уникальные этологические характеристики непарного шелкопряда индивидуальны по широте его популяции и представляют собой биологический процесс, направленный на поддержание собственной жизни.

    Kalit so'z: #tuxum #tengsiz ipakchi #fe’l-atvor #ozuqa o‘simligi #rivojlanish bosqichlari #g‘umbak

  • English

    The article describes the ethological characteristics of Ocneria dispar in the Fergana region. The choice of different ecological niches for forage plants and developmental stages of the azygous silkworm, especially for cocoonization and oviposition, is the main manifestation of its adaptation to the environment. The unique ethological characteristics of the gypsy moth are individual in terms of the breadth of its population and represent a biological process aimed at maintaining its own life.

    Kalit so'z: #tuxum #tengsiz ipakchi #fe’l-atvor #ozuqa o‘simligi #rivojlanish bosqichlari #g‘umbak

Hujjatni onlayn ko'rish


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

Havola nomi


1. Giese, R. L. & Schneider, M. L., 1979. –Cartographic comparisons of Eurasian gypsy moth distribution (Lymantria dispar L., Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae).– Entomological News, 90: 1-16.


2. Hasanov A. G‘ofurov A. Bodomning asosiy zararkunandalari va ularga qarshi kurash choralari // O‘zbekiston qishloq va suv xo‘jaligi. -2021. -№4. https://agro-olam.uz/bodomning-zararkunandalari/ [The main pests of almonds and their control measures]


3. Hoch, G., Zubric, M., Novotny, J. & Schopf, A., 2001.– The natural enemy complex of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) in different phases of its population dynamics in eastern Austria and Slovakia, a comparative study.– Journal of Applied Entomology, 125: 217-227.


4. Ilyinykh, A. V., 2002.– Analysis of causes of waning of mass reproduction of gypsy moth (Lymantriadispar L.) in the territory of the Novosibirsk region.– Contemporary problems of ecology, 6: 697-702.


5. Zokirov I. I. The Fauna of Insects of Vegetables and Melons of Central Fergana: Abstract of thesis. dis.... Dr. biol. sci. – 2019.


6. Zokirova Gulnora Mamadjonovna, & Zokirov Islomjon Ilkhomjonovich. (2022). Seasonal variability and population density of aphids of gymnosperm plants in the Fergana Valley. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements, 3(1), 62-65. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea/article/view/1743

Ko'rishlar soni: 312
Nashr soni: 2022-6
Nashr sanasi: 15-12-2022
UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana: 23-01-2023