Maqolada ko‘k so‘zining qadimgi turkiy tillarda uzual teonim sifatida iste'molda bo‘lganligi, uning osmon hamda xudo ma'nolarini ifodalaganligi, shuningdek, bu so‘zning to‘qqiz ma'noda kelishi haqida fikr boradi. Ko‘k so‘zi so‘zlashuv uslubida Yaratguvchi ma'nosida ishlatilmaydi, badiiy uslubning nazmiy shaklida – she'riyatda, juda faol bo‘lmasa-da, uchrab turadi. Nasriy shaklida qo‘llanmaydi. Bu so‘z o‘zining ilohiylik ma'nosi bilan qo‘shma so‘zlar tarkibida keladi. Ko‘k so‘zining Tangri ma'nosida kelishi rus olimi L.N.Gumilyov, N.YA.Bichuring asaridan olingan misollar bilan isbotlangan. Shuningdek, Tangri so‘zining tarixan kelib chiqishi hamda kirdikor teonimining Yaratguvchi ma'nosida kelishi haqida mulohazalar beriladi. Bu so‘zlarning “O‘zbek tilining izohli lug‘ati” hamda “Alisher Navoiy asarlari tilining izohli lug‘ati”da qaysi ma'nolarda kelishi misollar bilan qiyoslab berladi.
Kalit so'z: #tangri #Xudo #Ko‘k #Taolo #Yaratguvchi #Ug‘an #O‘g‘on #Bayat #Bayot #Olloh #ilohiy #sodda #sodda tub #uzual teonim #mifonim
В статье рассматривается тот факт, что слово синий использовалось как универсальный теоним в древнетюркских языках, что оно репрезентировало значения неба и бога. Также это слово имела девять значений. Слово «синий» в современной лексике не употребляется в смысле Творца, оно встречается в стихотворной форме художественного стиля – поэзии, хотя и не очень активной. Не используется в прозаической форме. Это слово входит в состав сложных слов со значением божественности. Возникновение слова синий в значении Бог доказывается примерами, взятыми из работ русских учёных Л.Н.Гумилёва, Н.Я. Бичуринга. Также делаются комментарии об историческом происхождении теонима кирдикор в значении Творца. Сравниваются значения этих слов с толковым словарём узбекского языка и словарем языка произведений Алишера Навои.
Kalit so'z: #tangri #Xudo #Ko‘k #Taolo #Yaratguvchi #Ug‘an #O‘g‘on #Bayat #Bayot #Olloh #ilohiy #sodda #sodda tub #uzual teonim #mifonim
The article discusses the fact that the word blue was used as a universal theonym in the ancient Turkic languages, that it represented the meanings of heaven and god, and that this word has nine meanings. The word "blue" is not used colloquially in the sense of the Creator, it is found in the poetic form of the artistic style - poetry, although not very active. Not used in prose form. This word is part of compound words with the meaning of divinity. The emergence of the word blue in the meaning of God is proved by examples taken from the works of Russian scientists L. N.Gumilyov, N.Ya.Bichuring. Also, comments are made about the historical origin of the word God and the origin of the theonym kirdikor in the meaning of the Creator. The meanings of these words in the "Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language" and "Annotated Dictionary of the Language of Alisher Navoi's Works" are compared with examples.
Kalit so'z: #tangri #Xudo #Ko‘k #Taolo #Yaratguvchi #Ug‘an #O‘g‘on #Bayat #Bayot #Olloh #ilohiy #sodda #sodda tub #uzual teonim #mifonim
Hujjatni onlayn ko'rish
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
№ | Havola nomi |
1 |
1. Alisher Navoiy asarlari tilining izohli lug‘ati. – Toshkent: “Fan”, 1983. (Explanatory dictionary of the language of Alisher Navoi's works. - Tashkent: "Fan", 1983). |
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2. Древнетюркский словарь. – М.: “Наука”, 1969. (Ancient Turkic dictionary. – M.: “Nauka”, 1969). |
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3. Gumilyov L.N. Qadimgi turklar. – Toshkent: “Fan”, 2007. (Gumilyov L.N. Ancient Turk. - Tashkent: "Fan", 2007). |
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5. Sharafutdinov Khursanbay. Gafur Pulatov: The Cry Of Herirud, The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, June 29, 2021 | Pages: 149-157). |
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6. Sharafutdinova N., Jo‘raeva M. Yaratguvchi ma'nosini ifodalovchi teonimlar. “Filologiyaning dolzarb masalalari” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari, 2022 yil, B.245. (Sharafutdinova N., Jo‘raeva M. Theonims expressing the meaning of creator. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference on "Current issues of philology", 2022, P. 245). |
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7. Nilufar Sharafutdinova. THE WORDS GOD AND BLUE (KO‘K) ARE THEONYMS, THE WORDS GOD AND BLUE (KO‘ K) ARE THEONYMS, Vol-7-Issue Q2- 2022. |
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8. Sharafutdinova N. Mythology - ancient man's fiction. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 May 2021. |