To`liq ma`lumot


  • Ўзбек

    Frezalash stanoklaridan foydalanishda amaliy darslaridan bir qatorda nazariy dars jarayonlari birinchilardan bo‘lib o‘tiladi. Nazariy darslarimizda kompyuter texnologiyalari va AKT vositalaridan zamonaviy innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanish talabalarga nazariy bilimlarni beradi, tushunchalari oshadi. Stanoklarning ishlash jarayonlarini interfaol usulda o‘qitish usullarini yaratish yanada bilim darajalarini oshirish, Innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalarning rivojlantirish usullarini talabalarga tadbiq etish.

    Kalit so'z: #metall #detal #materiallar #Frezalash stanoklari #randalash stanoklari

  • Русский

    In addition to practical exercises on the use of milling machines, theoretical studies are the first. The use of computer technology and modern innovative technologies in our theoretical classes provides students with theoretical knowledge and understanding. Create interactive learning methods for machine tools to further expand knowledge.
    Familiarization of students with the methods of developing innovative pedagogical technologies.

    Kalit so'z: #metall #detal #materiallar #Frezalash stanoklari #randalash stanoklari

  • English

    Помимо практических занятий по использованию фрезерных станков, теоретические занятия являются первыми. Использование компьютерных технологий и современных инновационных технологий на наших теоретических занятиях дает учащимся теоретические знания и понимание. Создание интерактивных методов обучения для станков для дальнейшего расширения знаний. Ознакомление студентов с методами разработки инновационных педагогических технологий.

    Kalit so'z: #metall #detal #materiallar #Frezalash stanoklari #randalash stanoklari

Hujjatni onlayn ko'rish


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

Havola nomi


1. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017 yil 7 fevraldagi PF-4947-sonli “O‘zbekiston Respublikasini yanada rivojlantirish bo‘yicha harakatlar strategiyasi to‘g‘risida” Farmoni. - T.: O‘zbekiston Respublikasi qonun hujjatlari to‘plami, 2017 y., 6-son, 70-modda. (Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan". - T .: Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70.)


2. M.Z.Murtozayev, A.A.Kushakov. Texnologiya va dizayn. Metallarga ishlov berish texnologiyasi. «Fan va texnologiya» nashriyoti. Toshkent. 2012 y. 122b. (M.Z.Murtozayev, A.A.Kushakov. Technology and design. Metalworking technology. Science and Technology Publishing House. Tashkent. 2012 y. p.122)


3. Ш.Шухратов, Ю.Шухратова, Х.Рахмонжонов. Применение творческих методов в непрерывном профессиональном образовании. Universum: психология и образование: научный журнал. – № 4(94). М., Изд. «МЦНО», 2022. С. 7-10. (Sh.Shukhratov, Yu.Shukhratova, H.Rakhmonjonov. Application of creative methods in uninterrupted professional education. Universum: psychology and education: scientific journal. - № 4 (94). M., Izd. «MTsNO», 2022. p. 7-10.)


4. Shukhratov, Sh.; Milašius, R.; Gafurov, K.; Gafurov, J. Investigation of twist waves distribution along structurally nonuniform yarn // Autex research journal. Warsaw : Sciendo. ISSN 1470-9589. 2021, p. 1-5. DOI: 10.2478/aut-2021- 0040.


5. Максудов, Р., Ш. Шухратов, О. Мирзаев, и Н. Юнусов. «Изучения изменений коэффициента жесткости упругой оболочки прядильной установки». InterConf, вып. 41, февраль 2021 г. (Maksudov, R., Sh. Shukhratov, O. Mirzaev, and N. Yunusov. "Study of changes in the stiffness coefficient of the elastic shell of the spinning installation". Interconf, vol. February 41, 2021)


6. Shukhratov S, Milašius R, Gafurov J, Mardonov B, Gafurov K, Repon R Md. Investigation of Open End Yarn Tension Using an Elastic Yarn-Guide. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021; 29, 4(148): 43-47. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.8230


7. Shukhratov Sh, Milašius R, Gafurov K, Maksudov R, Gafurov J, Tojimirzaev S. Improvement in the Design and Methods of Calculation of Parameters of Vibration Multifaceted Gridirons of Natural Fibre Cleaners. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2021; 29, 5(149): 29-33. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.9292


8. Djurayev, A., Maksudov, R. X., Shukhratov, S., & Tashpulatov, D. S. (2018). Improvement in design and methods of calculation the characteristics of vibrant diamond bars of cotton cleaners. International journal of advanced research in science, engineering and technology, 5(11), 397-401.


9. Shukhratov, Sh, et al. "Determination of parameters of grates on rubber brackets of fiber material cleaners." International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 9.2 (2019).


10. Djurayev, A., R. Kh Maksudov, and Sh Sh. "Shukhratov. Improving the Design and Justification of the Parameters of the Saw Section of the Cotton Cleaning Unit." International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 5.12 (2018): 7549-7555.

Ko'rishlar soni: 347
Nashr soni: 2022-4
Nashr sanasi: 08-11-2022
UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana: 09-11-2022