To`liq ma`lumot


  • Ўзбек

    Maqola avtomobil yo‘llari uchun bitum emulsiyasi qo‘shilgan sement bilan ishlov berilgan shag‘al-qum qorishmalaridan foydalanish haqida. Eksperimental tadqiqotlar (sinovlar) murakkab bog‘lovchilar yordamida asosni mustahkamlash samaradorligini asoslaydigan tadqiqotning bir qismi sifatida amalga oshirildi. Ushbu maqolada qurilish usullari va materiallar fizik-mexanik xususiyatlarini o‘rganib (sement, shag‘al-qum aralashmasi va bitum emulsiya) bir qancha kompozitsiyalarda o‘tkazilgan sinovlar keltirilgan. Sinov natijalari bitum emulsiyasi qo‘shilgan sement bilan ishlov berilgan shag‘al-qum qorishmalaridan foydalanilganda suv shimuvchanlikning kamayishi va bu konstruksiyaning mustahkamligini oshishini ko‘rsatdi.

    Kalit so'z: #asos #joyida aralashtirish #maksimal quruq zichlik #optimal namlik #shag‘al-qum aralashmasi #sement

  • Русский

    В статье речь идет об использовании гравийно-песчаных смесей для автомобильных дорог, обработанных цементом с добавлением битумной эмульсии. Экспериментальные исследования (испытания) проводились в рамках исследования, обосновывающего эффективность укрепления основания с помощью сложных вяжущих. В данной статье представлены испытания, проводимые в нескольких составах с изучением методов строительства и физико-механических свойств материалов (цемент, гравийно-песчаная смесь и битумная эмульсия). Результаты испытаний показали снижение водопоглощения при использовании гравийно-песчаных смесей, обработанных цементом с добавлением битумной эмульсии, что повышает прочность конструкции.

    Kalit so'z: #asos #joyida aralashtirish #maksimal quruq zichlik #optimal namlik #shag‘al-qum aralashmasi #sement

  • English

    The article deals with the use of gravel-sand mixtures for highways treated with cement with the addition of bitumen emulsion. Experimental studies (tests) were carried out as part of a study justifying the effectiveness of strengthening the base with the help of complex binders. This article presents tests carried out in several formulations with the study of construction methods and physical and mechanical properties of materials (cement, gravel-sand mixture and bitumen emulsion). The test results showed a decrease in water absorption when using gravel-sand mixtures treated with cement with the addition of bitumen emulsion, which increases the strength of the structure.

    Kalit so'z: #asos #joyida aralashtirish #maksimal quruq zichlik #optimal namlik #shag‘al-qum aralashmasi #sement

Hujjatni onlayn ko'rish


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar

Havola nomi


1. Miroshnichenko Sergey Ivanovich, Composite material on a complex binder for the construction of highways, Belgorod-2007


2. Volkov M.I., Road-building materials / M.I. Volkov, I.M., Borsch, I.V. Korolev-M.: Transport, 1965.


3. Yusupaliyev U.G., Amirov T.J.Studying The Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Materials Cement Treated Mixture With Bitumen Emulsion,Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS),ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2, Issue 4, April, 2022. Pages-104-111.


4. Ayibiowu, Oluyemi B.D. Effect of cement on asphalt - emulsion stabilized lateritic soils. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology-2016 Vol. 3 No. 5.


5. Portland Cement Association (2006). Guide to Cement-Treated Base


6. Tom Scullion; Jacob Uzan; Stacy Hilbrich, and Peiru Chen (2008). Thickness Design Systems for Pavements Containing Soil-Cement Bases.


7. K. P. George (2006). Soil Stabilization Field Trial


8. Portland Cement Association (2006) Performance of Soil-Cement and Cement-Modified Soil for Pavements: Research Synopsis.


9. K.P. George (2002). Minimizing cracking in cement-treated materials for improved performance.

Ko'rishlar soni: 319
Nashr soni: 2022-4
Nashr sanasi: 08-11-2022
UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana: 09-11-2022