Maqolalar : Yoldosheva Latofat Tolibovna

13-16 513 Jul 7, 2022 5:12:41 PM

In this article a wide range of museum activities and their roles with regard to implementation of cultural heritage among people through establishing these activities in museums are enormously discussed.
Two methods are used to gather information on specific research area. The first method  is interview with museum curators and marketers, the second one is questionnaire survey with visitors. Main suggestions can be obtained from the research; a wide variety of museum activities are enlightened in this article,  museum curators can use these implementation tools to improve the social status of museums among people.
Museum activities should be more engaging and innovative in digital era to attract  a  large number of visitors.
The majority of museums are currently adopting to unexpected changes and innovative ideas of the  modern world. This paper may help the researchers and museum curators to establish new implement tools while making communication with museum-goer.

#storytelling #multi-sensorial workshops #emotional engagement of visitors #Guided tours and storytelling sessions #reproduction process #educational tours

220-223 251 Aug 31, 2022 1:35:06 PM

Ko’p turdagi muzey faoliyat turlarini va ularning muzeylarda joriy etish orqali madaniy merosni kuchaytirish borasidagi rolini aniqlash. Maxsus tadqiqot sohasida ma’lumot yig’ish uchun ikki xil metoddan foydalanilgan. Birinchi metod-muzey ma’sullari va marketologlari bilan suhbat, ikkinchisi- tashrif buyuruvchilar o’rtasida o’tkazilgan so’rovnoma. 
Bu tadqiqot ishidan ko’pgina taklif-mulohazalar olinishi mumkin; bu maqolada muzey mashg’ulotlarining keng turlari tadqiq qilingan, Muzey vakillari bu kuchaytiruv usullaridan odamlar orasida muzeylarning ijtimoiy mavqeyini yaxshilash borasida foydalanishi mumkin. Zamonaviy texnologiya asrida ko’p sonli tashrif buyuruvchilarni o’ziga jalb etishi uchun muzey mashg’ulot turlari yanada novator bo’lishi lozim. Ko’pchilik muzeylar zamonaviy dunyoning innovative g’oyalari hamda kutilmagan o’zgarishlariga moslashmoqda. 

#Sharxlash #ko’ptarmoqli sensorlashgan ustaxonalar #tashrif bu yuruvchilarning hissiy motivatsiyasi #yetakchi rahnamoligidagi sayr #qayta yaratish jarayoni #ta’limiy ahamiyatga ega sayohat