Полная информация


  • Ўзбек

    Ushbu  maqoladan  bosh  maqsad  Sh.Sulaymonning  hayot  yo‘li  orqali  Turkiston  taraqqiyoti  uchun  qo‘shgan 
    hissasini  yoritib  berishdan  iborat.  U  XX  asrning  20-30  yillarida  ijtimoiy-madaniy  hayot,  xususan,  o‘zbek  adabiyotida 
    o‘zining  barakali  ijodi  va  harakatlari  bilan  alohida  iz  qoldirgan.  Maqolani  yoritishda  ilmiy ADABIYOTLAR,  manbalar  va 
    arxiv hujjatlari  jalb  qilingan.  Qiyosiy  taqqoslanib, ma’lumotlar tizimlashtirilgan.  Shokir Sulaymonning  maqolalari tahlilga 
    tortilgan. U Turkiston yoshlarini xorijiy ta’limi yo‘lidagi xayriya yig‘ish hamda iqtidorli yoshlarni birlashtirish ishlarida faol 
    ishtirok etdi. Zamon bilan mos ravishda o‘zi ham Rossiyaning markaziy shahrida ta’lim oldi. O‘zbek ilm-fani rivojiga o‘z 
    hissasini qo‘shdi. Biroq sovet hukumatining qatag‘on siyosati natijasida istibdod qurboniga aylandi. 

    Ключевые слова: #yangi usul maktabi #“Husayniya” madrasasi #“Milliy ittihod” tashkiloti #“Ko‘mak” uyushmasi #xorijiy ta’lim #“Qizil qalam” adabiy jamiyati

  • Русский

    Основной целью данной статьи является освещение вклада Ш. Сулеймана в развитие Туркестана на 
    протяжении  всей  его  жизни.  Своими  богатыми  произведениями  и  действиями  он  оставил  особый  след  в 
    общественно-культурной жизни 20-30-х годов ХХ века, в частности, в узбекской литературе. В освещении 
    статьи  задействована  научная  литература,  источники  и  архивные  документы.  Данные  сравниваются  и 
    структурируются.  Анализируются  статьи  Шакира  Сулеймана.  Он  принимал  активное  участие  в  сборе 
    средств на обучение туркестанской молодежи за рубежом и объединение талантливой молодежи. Он также 
    учился  в  центральном  городе  России.  Внес  вклад  в  развитие  узбекской  науки.  Однако  он  стал  жертвой 
    репрессий в результате репрессивной политики советского правительства. 

    Ключевые слова: #yangi usul maktabi #“Husayniya” madrasasi #“Milliy ittihod” tashkiloti #“Ko‘mak” uyushmasi #xorijiy ta’lim #“Qizil qalam” adabiy jamiyati

  • English

    The main purpose of this article is to highlight the contribution of Sh. Suleiman to the development of Turkestan 
    throughout his life. With his rich works and actions, he left a special mark in the social and cultural life of the 20-30s of 
    the twentieth century, in particular, in Uzbek literature. Scientific literature, sources and archival documents are involved 
    in the coverage of the article. The data is compared and structured. Articles by Shakir Suleiman are analyzed. He took 
    an active part in raising funds for the education of Turkestan youth abroad and the unification of talented youth. He also 
    studied in the central city of Russia. Contributed to the development of Uzbek science. However, he became a victim of 
    repression as a result of the repressive policies of the Soviet government. 

    Ключевые слова: #yangi usul maktabi #“Husayniya” madrasasi #“Milliy ittihod” tashkiloti #“Ko‘mak” uyushmasi #xorijiy ta’lim #“Qizil qalam” adabiy jamiyati


Yoldashev A.A.

1   O‘zFA

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1. Karimov N. 41-yillarning sovuq shamoli // O‘zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati. 2004 yil. 33-son. (Karimov N. The cold wind of 41 years // Literature and art of Uzbekistan. 2004. No. 33.)


2. O‘zbekiston Milliy arxivi, R-34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 164-varaq. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34, List 1, Collection 1380, page 164.)


3. Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь. Том-1. Ред. С.М. Прозоров. Москва: Восточная литература, РАН. 2006. – C. 430. (Islam on the territory of the former Russian Empire: Encyclopedic Dictionary. Volume-1. Ed. CM. Prozorov. Moscow: Oriental Literature, RAS. 2006. - C. 430.)


4. Karimov N. Uyushmaning birinchi raisi // O‘zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati. 2006 yil 25 avgust. (Karimov N. The first chairman of the association // Literature and art of Uzbekistan. August 25, 2006.)


5. G‘oyipov T. O‘z yurtiga begona. Toshkent: Yozuvchi, 1998. – bet 6-7. (Goyipov T. A stranger to his country. Tashkent: Writer, 1998. - pages 6-7.)


6. O‘z MA, R-34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1332-yig‘majild, 20-21-varaqlar. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1332, pages 20-21.)


7. O‘z MA, R-34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 454-varaq. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1380, pages 454)


8. O‘z MA, 34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 493-varaq. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1380, pages 493)


9. O‘z MA, 34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 490-varaq. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1380, pages 90)


10. Shokir Sulaymon. Maskavdan xat. Maskavda adabiyot to‘garagi // Turkiston. 1922 yil, 23 dekabr; O‘zbek adabiyotining hozirgi holini ruslar kanday kechirgan? //Qizil bayroq. 1922yil, 5, 7 may; Ovrupoda Turkiston o‘kuvchilari // Turkiston. 1923yil, 1 yanvar; O‘qug‘uchi tovushi. She’r // Turkiston. 1923 yil, 21 yanvar; Ko‘ngil dardlari. She’r // Turkiston. 1923 yil, 15 iyul; Butun o‘zbek adib va shoirlariga! // Qizil O‘zbekiston. 1926 yil, 8 dekabr. (Shokir Sulaymon. Letter from Moscow. Literary Circle in Moscow // Turkistan. December 23, 1922; How did the Russians feel about the current state of Uzbek literature? // Red flag. May 5, 7, 1922; Turkistan students in Europe // Turkistan. January 1, 1923; Student voice. // Turkiston. January 21, 1923; Mental disorders. // Turkiston. July 15, 1923; To all Uzbek writers and poets! // Red Uzbekistan. December 8, 1926.)


11. Shokir Sulaymon. Ovrupoda Turkiston o‘kuvchilari // “Turkiston” gazetasi. 1923 yil 1 yanvar. (Shokir Sulaymon. Turkistan students in Europe // Turkiston newspaper. January 1, 1923.)


12. O‘z MA, 34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 162, 164, 166,169- varaqlar. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1380, pages 162, 164, 166, 169.)


13. O‘z MA, 34-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 1380-yig‘majild, 166,169-varaqlar. (National Archives of Uzbekistan, Fund R-34 Fund, List 1, Collection 1380, pages 166, 169.)


14. O‘zbekiston Milliy Entsiklopediyasi. 10-jild. “O‘zbekiston milliy entsiklopediyasi” Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti, - Toshkent. 2005. – bet 94. (National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. Volume 10 State Scientific Publishing House "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan", - Tashkent. 2005. - page 94.)

Количество просмотров: 365
Номер выпуска: 2022-2
Дата публикации: 30-06-2022
Дата создание в систему UzSCI: 06-07-2022