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  • Ўзбек

    Maqolada XX asr birinchi yarmi o‘zbek adabiyoti namunalarida davr muammosi yoritilgan. Tavallo she’riyati, Abdulhamid Cho‘lpon hikoyalari misolida davr masalasi tahlil qilingan. Hayotdagi inqilobiy o‘zgarishlarning ijtimoiy ahamiyati, odamlar dunyoqarashini kengaytirish mohiyati va ma’nosi ushbu davr o‘zbek adabiyotining bosh mavzusi bo‘lib qoldi. Bu jarayondagi ziddiyatlar, ijtimoiy tiplar yozuvchilarimizning badiiy izlanishlaridan tushib qolmadi. Masalan, ijtimoiy tartiblar o‘zgargan, yangi tuzumdagi g‘oya va yo‘nalishlar qaror topayotgan paytdagi drammatik kolliziyalarni badiiy umumlashtirish natijasida yangi adabiy tiplar yaratilganligi haqida ma’lumot berildi.

    Tags: #hikoya #she’r #ijodiy metod #davr masalasi #janrlar sistemasi #sotsiolistik metod

  • Русский

    В статье освещается проблема периода на примерах узбекской литературы первой половины ХХ века. Проблема периода анализируется на примере поэзии Тавалло и рассказов Абдулхамида Чолпана. Социальное значение революционных изменений в жизни, сущность и смысл расширения мировоззрения людей стали главной темой узбекской литературы этого периода. Конфликты в этом процессе социальных типов не выпадали из художественного поиска наших писателей.  Например, сообщалось, что новые литературные типы создавались в результате художественного обобщения драматических коллизий в то время, когда менялись общественные порядки, определялись идеи и направления нового строя.

    Tags: #hikoya #she’r #ijodiy metod #davr masalasi #janrlar sistemasi #sotsiolistik metod

  • English

    In the article, the problem of the era is highlighted in the examples of Uzbek literature of the first half of the 20th century. The issue of the period is analyzed on the example of Tavallo‘s poetry and Abdulhamid Cholpan's stories. The social significance of revolutionary changes in life, the essence and meaning of broadening people's outlook became the main theme of Uzbek literature of this period. Conflicts in this process, social types did not fall from the artistic research of our writers. For example, it was reported that new literary types were created as a result of artistic generalization of dramatic collisions when social order changed, ideas and directions of the new system were being decided.

    Tags: #hikoya #she’r #ijodiy metod #davr masalasi #janrlar sistemasi #sotsiolistik metod

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Name of reference


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2. Cho‘lpon A. Asarlar 4 jildlik. 4-jild. – Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2016 (Cholpon A. Works in 4 volumes. Volume 4. - Tashkent: Akademnashr, 2016)


3. Adabiy tur va janrlar. 3 jildlik 1-jild. – Toshkent FAN, 1991 (Literary types and genres. Volume 1 of 3 volumes. - Tashkent FAN, 1991


4. Quronov D, Mamajonov Z, Sheraliyeva M. Adabiyotshunoslik lug‘ati. – Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2010 ( Kuronov D, Mamajonov Z, Sheraliyeva M. Dictionary of literary studies. - Tashkent: Akademnashr, 2010)

View count: 233
Number of edition: 2022-6
Date of publication: 15-12-2022
Date of creation in the UzSCI system: 23-01-2023