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  • Ўзбек

    Maqolada onomastikaning nazariy masalalaridan bo‘lgan atoqli otlar nazariyasi va semantikasi, ularning tilda va nutqda tutgan o‘rni, shuningdek, bu borada taniqli tilshunos olimlarning qarashlari bayon etilgan.

    Tags: #individuallik #onomastika #antroponim #atoqli ot #appelyativ

  • Русский

    В статье описываются теория и семантика имён собственных с точки зрения теоретических вопросов ономастики, их роль в языке и речи, а также взгляды известных ученых-лингвистов на этот счет.

    Tags: #individuallik #onomastika #antroponim #atoqli ot #appelyativ

  • English

    The article describes the theory and semantics of proper names from the point of view of theoretical issues of onomastics, their role in language and speech, as well as the views of famous linguists on this subject.

    Tags: #individuallik #onomastika #antroponim #atoqli ot #appelyativ

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Name of reference


1. E. A. Begmatov. O‘zbek ismlari izohi . - Toshkent: «O‘zbekiston milliy entsiklopediyasi» Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti, 2016. - 608 b. (E. A. Begmatov. Explanation of Uzbek names. - Tashkent: "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" State Scientific Publishing House, 2016. - 608 p.)


2. D.I. Yermolovich. Imena sobstvennye na styke yazykov i kultur. M.:Valent. 2001., S. 13. (D.I. Ermolovich. Proper names at the intersection of languages and cultures. M.: Valent. 2001., p. 13)


3. Nikonov V.A. Imya i obshestvo. – M.: Nauka, 1974. – 276 s. (Nikonov V.A. name and society. – M.: Nauka, 1974. – 276 p.)


4. Superanskaya A.V. Yazykovye i vneyazykovye assotsiatsii sobstvennyh imyon // Antroponimika: Sb. nauch. tr. – M., 1970. S. 7-17.( Superanskaya A.V. Linguistic and extralinguistic associations of proper names // Anthroponymy: Sat. scientific tr. - M., 1970. p. 7-17.)


5. Superanskaya A.V. Obshaya teoriya imeni sobstvennogo. – M.: Nauka, 1973.,S.366. (Superanskaya A.V. General theory of proper name. - M.: Nauka, 1973.,p.366)


6. Superanskaya A.V. Obshaya teoriya imeni sobstvennogo. – M.: Nauka, 1973.,S. 259-260. (Superanskaya A.V. General theory of proper name. - M.: Nauka, 1973., pp. 259-260)

View count: 345
Number of edition: 2022-5
Date of publication: 05-12-2022
Date of creation in the UzSCI system: 13-12-2022