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  • Ўзбек

    Maqolada Mirtemir she’riyatining mavzu ko‘lami, badiiyati masalalari yoritilgan. Shoir she’riyatining uslubiy xususiyatlari, tasvir ko‘lami tadqiq etilgan. Mirtemir asarlarining XX asr o‘zbek she’riyati taraqqiyotidagi o‘rni va ahamiyati ko‘rsatib berilgan.

    Tags: #she’riyat #mavzu #mahorat #so‘z va ibora #tasvir ko‘lami #so‘z o‘yinlari #she’riy matn #ohangdorlik

  • Русский

    В статье освещаются вопросы тематики, художественности поэзии Миртемира. Исследованы стилистические особенности поэзии поэта, масштаб изображения. Показана роль и значение произведений Миртемира в развитии узбекской поэзии XX века.

    Tags: #she’riyat #mavzu #mahorat #so‘z va ibora #tasvir ko‘lami #so‘z o‘yinlari #she’riy matn #ohangdorlik

  • English

    The article covers the issues of the subject scale and artistry of Mirtemir’s poetry. The methodological features of the poet’s poetry, the scale of the image were studied. The role and significance of Mirtemir’s works in the development of Uzbek poetry of the 20th century is shown.

    Tags: #she’riyat #mavzu #mahorat #so‘z va ibora #tasvir ko‘lami #so‘z o‘yinlari #she’riy matn #ohangdorlik

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Name of reference


1. Миртемир. Танланган асарлар. – Тошкент: Бадиий адабиёт нашриёти, 1958.


2. Парандовский Я. Сўз кимёси. – Тошкент: Янги аср авлоди, 2022.


3. Каримов Н. ХХ аср адабиёти манзаралари. – Тошкент: O‘zbekiston, 2008.


4. Sabirdinov A. Analysis Of Poem “Autumn Dreams by Abdulla Oripov”// The American journal of social science and education innovation. (Tajssei) SJIF-5.857. DOI-10.37547/ TAJSSEI. Volume 3 Issue 01, 2021. The USA Journals, USA.

View count: 361
Number of edition: 2022-5
Date of publication: 05-12-2022
Date of creation in the UzSCI system: 06-12-2022