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  • Ўзбек

    Islom huquqshunosligi sharqshunoslikning eng qadimgi va rivojlangan yo‘nalishlaridan biridir. G‘arb olimlari tomonidan islom qonunlarini keng o‘rganish Yevropaning mustamlakachilik ekspansiyasi davrida boshlandi va zamonaviy "islom huquqi" fan  sifatida XIX asr o‘rtalarida shakllandi. Ushbu davrda sharqshunos olimlar G‘arbda musulmon huquqi to‘g‘risida birinchi ilmiy g‘oyalarni shakllantirgan asosiy asarlarini yaratdilar.
    Bu maqolada islom huquqi va tarixi bo‘yicha ilmiy izlanishlar olib borgan va bugungi kunda tadqiqotlari bu sohada Yevropa sharqshunoslari uchun dasturulamal bo‘lib xizmat qilib kelayotgan olimlardan biri Yozef Shaxt haqida qisqacha ma’lumot berib o‘tiladi.

    Tags: #sharqshunoslik #Islom huquqi #Yozef Shaxt #"Islom huquqiga kirish"

  • Русский

    Исламское правоведение является одной из самых ранних и наиболее развитой отраслью востоковедения на Западе. Обширное изучение исламского права западными учеными началось во время европейской колониальной экспансии и современная дисциплина «исламское право» сложилась в середине XIX века. В этот период востоковеды-историки произвели свои главные работы, которые сформировали первые научные представления о мусульманском праве на Западе.
    В этой статье дается краткое описание Йозефа Шахта, одного из ученых, проводивших исследования по исламскому праву и чьи исследования в настоящее время служат руководством для европейских востоковедов в этой области.

    Tags: #sharqshunoslik #Islom huquqi #Yozef Shaxt #"Islom huquqiga kirish"

  • English

    Islamic jurisprudence is one of the earliest and most developed branch of oriental studies. The extensive study of Islamic law by Western scholars began during the European colonial expansion and the modern discipline of "Islamic law" took shape in the middle of the 19th century. During this period, orientalists-historians produced their main works, which formed the first scientific understanding of Muslim law in the West.
    This article provides a brief description of Josef Schacht, one of the scholars who conducted research on Islamic law and whose research is currently guiding European orientalists in this area.

    Tags: #sharqshunoslik #Islom huquqi #Yozef Shaxt #"Islom huquqiga kirish"

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Name of reference


1. G.E. von Grunebaum, "In Memoriam: Joseph Schacht", // International Journal of Middle East Studies 1, 1970. - P. 187-191.


2. Aharon Layish, "Notes on Joseph Schacht's Contribution to the study of Islamic Law," // British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, Bulletin 9.1982. - P. 130-141


3. Jeanette Wakin, "Additum: Joseph Schacht, 1902-69." // Journal of the American Oriental Society 90. 1970. - P. 163-178.


4. George F.Hourani, "Joseph Schacht, 1902-1969" // Journal of the American Oriental Society 90, 1970 - P. 159- 168.


5. Schacht J. "The School of Law and Later Development of Jurisprudence” // Law in the Middle East:Origin and Development of Islamic Law, eds. Majid Khadduri and Herbert J. Liebesny. Washington, D.C.: The Middle East Institute, 1955. - P. 82-89.


6. Bernard L. "Joseph Schacht," // Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 33. 1970 .- P. 370.


7. Schacht J. The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. - Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1950. 365 p.


8. George Makdisi, "The Juridical Theology of Shafi'i: Origins and Significance of Usul al-Fiqh,"// Studio Islamica. 59. 1984. - P. 12.


9. W. Montgomery Watt, review of The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence by Joseph Schacht // Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1952. - P. 101.


10. Charles J. Adams, "Islamic Religious Tradition," in The Study of The Middle East: Research and Scholarship in theHumanities and the Social Sciences, ed. Leonard Binder. - London: John Wiley & Sons. 1970. – P. 85-96.


11. David S. Powers, Studies in Qur'an and Hadith: The Formation of the Islamic Law of Inheritance. - Berkeley: University of Caliloinia Press, 1986. - P. 365.


12. J. Schacht, “A revaluation of Islamic traditions” // Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. - Paris, 1949. - P. 139-155

View count: 443
Number of edition: 2022-3
Date of publication: 23-09-2022
Date of creation in the UzSCI system: 30-09-2022