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  • Ўзбек

    The article gives a brief overview of the work of the poet Rauf Parfi and analyzes his sonnets and hokku. the attitude of the representatives of Uzbek and foreign literature to the works of Rauf Parfi was analyzed, and in the process of analysis the formal semantic features of the poems were revealed through the examples of sonnets and hokku. The title of the "trinity" in the works of the poet Rauf Parfi refers to a type of poem called hokku. in hokku the human mood is reflected through nature and nature. this article describes the concept of the sonnet and the poet’s thoughts on it. the sonnet, along with beautiful examples of metaphor, subtly expresses the wonderful waves of the poet's psyche. This article looks at the work of world literature, compares it with the work of Rauf Parfi, and explores the peculiarities and differences in his creative work.

    Tags: #sonnet #xokku #Rauf Parfi #Feodor Dostoyevskiy #uchlik #Rahimjon Rahmat #tush

  • Русский

    В статье дается краткий обзор творчества поэта Рауфа Парфи, анализируются его сонеты и хокку. проанализировано отношение представителей узбекской и зарубежной литературы к произведениям Рауфа Парфи, а в процессе анализа на примерах сонетов и хокку выявлены формальные семантические особенности стихотворений. Название «троица» в произведениях поэта Рауфа Парфи относится к типу стихотворения под названием хокку. в хокку настроение человека отражается через природу и природу. в данной статье описывается понятие сонета и мысли поэта о нем. сонет, наряду с прекрасными примерами метафоры, тонко выражает чудесные волны психики поэта. В данной статье рассматривается произведение мировой литературы, сравнивается с творчеством Рауфа Парфи, исследуются особенности и различия в его творчестве.

    Tags: #sonnet #xokku #Rauf Parfi #Feodor Dostoyevskiy #uchlik #Rahimjon Rahmat #tush

  • English

    The article gives a brief overview of the work of the poet Rauf Parfi and analyzes his sonnets and hokku. the attitude of the representatives of Uzbek and foreign literature to the works of Rauf Parfi was analyzed, and in the process of analysis the formal semantic features of the poems were revealed through the examples of sonnets and hokku. The title of the "trinity" in the works of the poet Rauf Parfi refers to a type of poem called hokku. in hokku the human mood is reflected through nature and nature. this article describes the concept of the sonnet and the poet’s thoughts on it. the sonnet, along with beautiful examples of metaphor, subtly expresses the wonderful waves of the poet's psyche. This article looks at the work of world literature, compares it with the work of Rauf Parfi, and explores the peculiarities and differences in his creative work.

    Tags: #sonnet #xokku #Rauf Parfi #Feodor Dostoyevskiy #uchlik #Rahimjon Rahmat #tush

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Name of reference


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View count: 396
Number of edition: 2022-1
Date of publication: 25-05-2022
Date of creation in the UzSCI system: 26-05-2022